Hamlet is set in various locations of the future. A virus has erased large parts of the population. People are isolated from each other, firstly to prevent the spreading of the fatal virus – secondly to preclude the eruption of uncontrolled emotions that would inevitably lead to violence.
Hamlet is both emotionally and physically weak caused by the situation: polluted environment… Haunted by nightmares and memories, he is looking for a way out. He tries to remember a time in which communication still was possible…
The piece is Hamlet’s undecorated answer to unbearable conditions of life.
Concept/Choreography: Sebastian Prantl
Concept/Direction: Kristin Lovejoy, Sebastian Prantl, Penelope Wehrly
Performing Protagonists: Corinne Eckenstein, Elio Gervasi, Dorothea Hübner, Aurelia Staub, Kurt Studer, Sebastian Prantl
Spatial Installation: Penelope Wehrly
Light: Martin Walitza
Premiered at TAW, October 1989